Bootstrap Farmer 的新型 DIY 预弯钢圈温室套件(全金属温室)

William Mason 12-10-2023
William Mason

Bootstrap Farmer 以其繁殖用品、种子托盘和圈棚/温室套件而闻名全美。 温室套件可在一个周末内安装完毕,价格合理,让您可以自己建造一个专业级的蔬菜大棚或温室。

在此之前,您需要用弯管机和在当地购买的导管杆来弯曲自己的杆子。 直到这种新型预弯环形屋的问世。 请观看下面这段他们安装环形屋的视频!

这些温室/圈棚套件采用美国重型钢材在美国制造,钢材经 LEED 认证,表面涂有 Flo-Coat 透明密封胶。

您可能会问,什么是 LEED?

"LEED(能源与环境设计先锋奖)是世界上使用最广泛的绿色建筑评级系统。 LEED几乎适用于所有建筑类型,为健康、高效和节约成本的绿色建筑提供了一个框架。

Bootstrap Farmer 的温室工具包免费运送到美国大部分地区。 您可以通过三个步骤在网上制作自己的工具包:
  1. 选择温室的大小
  2. 添加您想要的选项,如遮阳布、地面覆盖物、风扇等。
  3. 结账

钢制 DIY 吊篮屋套件有哪些内容?

这套钢制温室套件包含了您所需的一切。 其他一些套件需要您自己购买杆子、弯杆器等,但这套套件可以帮助您快速上手。 以下是套件内容:
  • 预弯箍
  • 地柱(预切割和预钻孔,以便快速安装)
  • 立柱驱动装置(安装在地面立柱的顶部,帮助您将立柱放入地下。 防止破坏立柱的末端)
  • 钢支架
  • 端墙
  • 门框
  • 镀锌硬件
  • 铝制锁定槽和 PVC 涂层弹簧线(锁定槽和弹簧线是固定温室覆盖物最安全可靠的方法)
  • 温室塑料的保质期为四年(制造商采用五层薄膜设置,以提高强度和使用寿命。 UVA 防护使温室塑料的保质期为四年)



首先,选择宽度。 您可以选择 14' 或 20'。 以下是您可以根据宽度选择的长度。

See_also: 如何启动被水淹没的电锯

14' 宽:

  • 20 英尺长
  • 40 英尺长
  • 60 英尺长
  • 80 英尺长
  • 100 英尺长

20 英尺宽:

  • 20 英尺长
  • 40 英尺长
  • 60 英尺长
  • 80 英尺长
  • 100 英尺长



  • 门升级:您可以升级到更大的门、增加额外的门或在圈舍两端安装双门。
  • 侧墙通风套件:使用手摇曲柄控制侧墙卷起,控制环形屋通风的套件(视频如下)。 包括绞盘、导管、接头、夹子等。
  • 防虫网:用于开放式侧墙的防虫网,与塑料防虫网安装在同一个锁槽中。
  • 额外的温室塑料。 套装中包含第一层温室塑料,它也可以覆盖内墙。 您可以选择再增加一层温室塑料,以增加保温效果。 如果您有双层温室塑料,还可以增加充气套件。
  • 景观布:您可以选择在建造环形屋套件之前添加这种布料来覆盖地面。
  • 您可以添加不同遮光率的遮阳布、防冻毯和温室塑料修补带。

选择好选项后,就可以结账了。 温室套件免费运送到美国 48 个州。

See_also: 小鸡能吃哈密瓜吗? 喂母鸡吃哈密瓜的有趣方法!

环形温室 延伸阅读

  • 如何确定所需温室塑料的尺寸
  • 高架隧道与温室--哪一个更适合您?
  • 微气候和遮阳网
  • 什么是摇摆线?
  • 将塑料固定在温室上的最佳方法

William Mason

Jeremy Cruz is a passionate horticulturist and dedicated home gardener, known for his expertise in all things related to home gardening and horticulture. With years of experience and a deep love for nature, Jeremy has honed his skills and knowledge in plant care, cultivation techniques, and environmentally-friendly gardening practices.Having grown up surrounded by lush green landscapes, Jeremy developed an early fascination for the wonders of flora and fauna. This curiosity propelled him to pursue a Bachelor's degree in Horticulture from the renowned Mason University, where he had the privilege of being mentored by the esteemed William Mason – a legendary figure in the field of horticulture.Under the guidance of William Mason, Jeremy acquired an in-depth understanding of the intricate art and science of horticulture. Learning from the maestro himself, Jeremy imbibed the principles of sustainable gardening, organic practices, and innovative techniques that have become the cornerstone of his approach to home gardening.Jeremy's passion for sharing his knowledge and helping others inspired him to create the blog Home Gardening Horticulture. Through this platform, he aims to empower and educate aspiring and experienced home gardeners, providing them with valuable insights, tips, and step-by-step guides to create and maintain their own green oases.From practical advice onplant selection and care to addressing common gardening challenges and recommending the latest tools and technologies, Jeremy's blog covers a wide range of topics designed to cater to the needs of garden enthusiasts of all levels. His writing style is engaging, informative, and filled with an infectious energy that motivates readers to embark on their gardening journeys with confidence and enthusiasm.Beyond his blogging pursuits, Jeremy actively participates in community gardening initiatives and local gardening clubs, where he shares his expertise and fosters a sense of camaraderie among fellow gardeners. His commitment to sustainable gardening practices and environmental conservation extends beyond his personal endeavors, as he actively promotes eco-friendly techniques that contribute to a healthier planet.With Jeremy Cruz's deep-rooted understanding of horticulture and his unwavering passion for home gardening, he continues to inspire and empower people worldwide, making the beauty and benefits of gardening accessible to all. Whether you are a green thumb or just beginning to explore the joys of gardening, Jeremy's blog is sure to guide and inspire you on your horticultural journey.