我们的 5 加仑桶式喂鸡器 - DIY 超简单,防害虫!

William Mason 12-10-2023
William Mason

介绍我们的 5 加仑桶式喂鸡器!

我第一次看到这个防虫喂鸡器的想法是在当地的一个园艺节目上,然后我最喜欢的生态农场也做了一个。 当时,我很怀疑。



See_also: 如何建造假山花园--一体化指南!

事实上,他们只用了 1 分钟就完全掌握了窍门!

如何用 5 加仑水桶 DIY 制作喂鸡器

我制作了一个小视频,向你展示它的工作原理。 展示总比讲述好,不是吗? 你可以在下面找到它。

在视频之后,我将添加大量照片,向您展示我们制作的具体步骤--您甚至还能看到我那出了名的 "相机恐惧症 "丈夫的身影!

  1. 如何用 5 加仑水桶 DIY 制作喂鸡器
    • 步骤 1:找一个水桶
    • 步骤 2:钻孔
    • 步骤 3:插入吊环螺栓
    • 步骤 4:安装拨动块
    • 步骤 5:测试
    • 步骤 6:填充并悬挂在鸡舍中
  2. 最后的名言

步骤 1:找一个水桶

不难想象,你需要一个水桶来完成这个步骤。 不一定非得是 5 加仑的水桶,你也可以做一个小一点的(我想也可以做大一点的!)喂鸡器。

由于您的女儿们要用这个桶吃食物,我建议您找一个食品安全的桶。 不要太脏或有毒的!

每个塑料桶上都印有回收编号(通常在底部)。 您要找的最好是 "2",但 "1"、"4 "和 "5 "也可以。

如果您需要,亚马逊上有一些非常精致的食品安全 5 加仑桶,或者去当地的面包店或冰淇淋店看看有没有免费的!

步骤 2:钻孔

他在那儿 推荐书籍 如何建造动物房舍:60 种鸡舍、小屋、谷仓、巢箱、喂食器等的设计图 24.95 美元



获取更多信息 109+ Funny Coop Names 如果您进行购买,我们可能会赚取佣金,您无需支付额外费用。

步骤 3:插入吊环螺栓


它永远不会脱落,也不会移动,更不会卡住(因为任何螺栓的安装都离不开防卡)。 还有垫圈,熊用了它也不会散架。


就像我们的室外餐桌,重达一吨(真的),只能用挖掘机才能搬动,即便如此也有点费劲。 但它会一直用下去,直到我们的下半辈子,我们孩子的下半辈子,他们孩子的下半辈子,等等。




这是在桶内 这是在水桶之外

步骤 4:安装拨动块

看到眼罩周围有足够的空间让食物颗粒通过了吗? 这就是你的目标。





步骤 5:测试


步骤 6:填充并悬挂在鸡舍中


我很喜欢我们的 5 加仑桶式喂鸡器。 过去几个月里,它为我节省了很多钱!

See_also: 5 种阻止邻居家院子流水的方法!


唯一让我头疼的是盖子,盖上盖子和盖下盖子都很费劲。 虽然我每两周左右才需要装一次,但盖子还是很费劲。

我岳母有一个桶盖工具,我可以试试,但目前我只是不把桶盖完全盖上。 我们的喂食器在屋顶下,所以很少有机会弄湿食物。


超级老鼠也许有一天会让我大吃一惊,但现在,这个 DIY 5 加仑桶式喂鸡器对我来说再合适不过了。


William Mason

Jeremy Cruz is a passionate horticulturist and dedicated home gardener, known for his expertise in all things related to home gardening and horticulture. With years of experience and a deep love for nature, Jeremy has honed his skills and knowledge in plant care, cultivation techniques, and environmentally-friendly gardening practices.Having grown up surrounded by lush green landscapes, Jeremy developed an early fascination for the wonders of flora and fauna. This curiosity propelled him to pursue a Bachelor's degree in Horticulture from the renowned Mason University, where he had the privilege of being mentored by the esteemed William Mason – a legendary figure in the field of horticulture.Under the guidance of William Mason, Jeremy acquired an in-depth understanding of the intricate art and science of horticulture. Learning from the maestro himself, Jeremy imbibed the principles of sustainable gardening, organic practices, and innovative techniques that have become the cornerstone of his approach to home gardening.Jeremy's passion for sharing his knowledge and helping others inspired him to create the blog Home Gardening Horticulture. Through this platform, he aims to empower and educate aspiring and experienced home gardeners, providing them with valuable insights, tips, and step-by-step guides to create and maintain their own green oases.From practical advice onplant selection and care to addressing common gardening challenges and recommending the latest tools and technologies, Jeremy's blog covers a wide range of topics designed to cater to the needs of garden enthusiasts of all levels. His writing style is engaging, informative, and filled with an infectious energy that motivates readers to embark on their gardening journeys with confidence and enthusiasm.Beyond his blogging pursuits, Jeremy actively participates in community gardening initiatives and local gardening clubs, where he shares his expertise and fosters a sense of camaraderie among fellow gardeners. His commitment to sustainable gardening practices and environmental conservation extends beyond his personal endeavors, as he actively promotes eco-friendly techniques that contribute to a healthier planet.With Jeremy Cruz's deep-rooted understanding of horticulture and his unwavering passion for home gardening, he continues to inspire and empower people worldwide, making the beauty and benefits of gardening accessible to all. Whether you are a green thumb or just beginning to explore the joys of gardening, Jeremy's blog is sure to guide and inspire you on your horticultural journey.