110 个适合母鸡专用鸡舍的有趣鸡舍名称 + 标志创意!

William Mason 12-10-2023
William Mason
本条目是 "有趣的名字 "系列中 11 个条目中的第 10 部分

我养了 10 只漂亮的鸡,没有公鸡。 几个月来,我一直在为鸡舍寻找一个完美的名字,因此,我整理了这份 105 个(2020 年 10 月编辑:现在是 110 个,多亏了大家!)鸡舍名字的终极清单!把这些名字画在鸡舍标志上或直接画在鸡舍上。


107 个鸡舍名称创意

这些鸡舍名称不分先后。 有些名称很好听,有些则很调皮(对不起,它们很搞笑,所以我必须把它们包括在内)。 我毫不怀疑,您也能在这里找到您的完美鸡舍标志名称!


  1. 小鸡旅馆
  2. 鸡蛋清道夫
  3. 吮吸母亲
  4. 姐妹小鸡
  5. Coop-a-Cabana (由玛丽-艾伦建议,谢谢!)
  6. 只吃鸡蛋(由 Yep it's Me 建议,谢谢!)
  7. 波西米亚蛋
  8. 母鸡
  9. 黄金女郎
  10. 鸡舍马哈尔
  11. .... 最佳小母鸡屋
  12. 母鸡派对
  13. Holliday's Carne-Val(由琳达推荐,谢谢!)。
  14. 丛林狼-埃格利
  15. 肥臀女孩
  16. 早餐谷仓
  17. 鸡肉妓院(莱莎建议,谢谢!)
  18. 卡萨休沃斯
  19. 心灵鸡汤
  20. 没有蛋景
  21. 水煮
  22. 鸡栏
  23. 小鸡小屋
  24. 床 & Broody
  25. 母鸡希尔顿
  26. 刚刚上床
  27. 鸡舍!
  28. 克鲁克金汉宫
  29. 汉西凡尼亚
  30. Coup de Soup
  31. 男生不得入内
  32. 西翼
  33. 埃格维尔
  34. 迪克西小鸡
  35. 哪个先来?
  36. 肯塔基活鸡
  37. 鸡蛋工厂
  38. 抖动的尾羽
  39. 蓬松的屁股
  40. Las Pollas Loca/El Pollo Loco(由布伦推荐,谢谢!)。
  41. 排名顺序
  42. 女孩之夜
  43. 大鸡舍
  44. 联谊会行
  45. 划板
  46. 与爱同眠
  47. 鸡蛋的奇妙之处
  48. 无公鸡城堡
  49. 她舍
  50. 全部关起来
  51. 咯咯羽毛
  52. 小鸡天堂
  53. Chez-Poulet
  54. 女士们
  55. 匿名产蛋者
  56. 只有蛋才能生蛋
  57. 禅院
  58. 多种颜色的鸡蛋
  59. AnyCockleDoo
  60. 后院烟蒂
  61. 坐得漂亮
  62. 就这样,蛋黄
  63. 莱迪厅
  64. 阁楼
  65. 无啄木鸟
  66. 勉为其难
  67. 公鸡堡
  68. 处女层
  69. 大鸡舍里的姐妹
  70. 克鲁克金顿邮报
  71. 蛋黄城
  72. 红磨坊
  73. 亨宁威
  74. 清新
  75. 姐妹情谊
  76. 海湾这边最好的躺椅
  77. 啄木鸟宫
  78. 卡尔达希斯
  79. 所有单身女士
  80. 谁遗漏了帅哥
  81. 鸡蛋
  82. 咯咯城堡
  83. 尾羽休息室
  84. 邻家女孩
  85. 飞过鸡舍
  86. 库德维尔
  87. 我们有层次
  88. 埃吉-罗杰斯
  89. 蛋黄酱
  90. 小鸟谷仓
  91. 椭圆形办公室
  92. 修道院
  93. 鸡蛋大餐
  94. 鸡块
  95. 蛋酒
  96. 绒毛屁股小屋
  97. 无鸦酒店
  98. Stay 'n Lay
  99. 就这样躺着
  100. 小鸡咯咯叫
  101. Cruegga de Ville
  102. 监狱
  103. 弗洛克斯堡
  104. 鸡窝
  105. 复活蛋之家
  106. 争夺客栈
  107. Los Pollos Hermanos
  108. What the Cluck
  109. 拉卡考克
  110. 鸡蛋超市

我还没有为我的鸡舍标志取名字,我需要多读几遍这份清单才能下定决心。 我的鸡舍并不华丽,我用的都是可回收的材料,都是庄园里原本就有的东西。

我不太清楚车架是从什么地方拆下来的,但看起来像是一个旧牛栏或卡车露营车的附件。 它的两面已经覆盖了绿色帆布材料,所以我保留了大部分,并用栅栏板和铁丝将其整个覆盖起来,以防野狗等。

因此,它与 "宫殿 "或 "豪宅 "相去甚远,但我想即使是这些名字也会很有趣,因为它与事实相去甚远。


自动饮水器也漏水了,浮球阀坏了。 虽然只是滴水,但鸡舍里一片狼藉。 现在用我自己定制的塑料盖流水系统修好了。 在我修好之前,这只是一个临时解决办法。

See_also: 最佳壁挂式天井加热器 - 别让寒冷阻挡您的脚步!

您选择了哪个鸡舍名称? 您的鸡舍标志是什么样子的? 欢迎在下方发表评论!

See_also: 复水牛肉干:操作指南

这里有一些鸡舍标志的灵感 🙂




  • 如何让鸡远离我的院子
  • 建造最好的鸡舍
  • 今天就能学会的实用摄影技能
  • 小鸡对鸭子

William Mason

Jeremy Cruz is a passionate horticulturist and dedicated home gardener, known for his expertise in all things related to home gardening and horticulture. With years of experience and a deep love for nature, Jeremy has honed his skills and knowledge in plant care, cultivation techniques, and environmentally-friendly gardening practices.Having grown up surrounded by lush green landscapes, Jeremy developed an early fascination for the wonders of flora and fauna. This curiosity propelled him to pursue a Bachelor's degree in Horticulture from the renowned Mason University, where he had the privilege of being mentored by the esteemed William Mason – a legendary figure in the field of horticulture.Under the guidance of William Mason, Jeremy acquired an in-depth understanding of the intricate art and science of horticulture. Learning from the maestro himself, Jeremy imbibed the principles of sustainable gardening, organic practices, and innovative techniques that have become the cornerstone of his approach to home gardening.Jeremy's passion for sharing his knowledge and helping others inspired him to create the blog Home Gardening Horticulture. Through this platform, he aims to empower and educate aspiring and experienced home gardeners, providing them with valuable insights, tips, and step-by-step guides to create and maintain their own green oases.From practical advice onplant selection and care to addressing common gardening challenges and recommending the latest tools and technologies, Jeremy's blog covers a wide range of topics designed to cater to the needs of garden enthusiasts of all levels. His writing style is engaging, informative, and filled with an infectious energy that motivates readers to embark on their gardening journeys with confidence and enthusiasm.Beyond his blogging pursuits, Jeremy actively participates in community gardening initiatives and local gardening clubs, where he shares his expertise and fosters a sense of camaraderie among fellow gardeners. His commitment to sustainable gardening practices and environmental conservation extends beyond his personal endeavors, as he actively promotes eco-friendly techniques that contribute to a healthier planet.With Jeremy Cruz's deep-rooted understanding of horticulture and his unwavering passion for home gardening, he continues to inspire and empower people worldwide, making the beauty and benefits of gardening accessible to all. Whether you are a green thumb or just beginning to explore the joys of gardening, Jeremy's blog is sure to guide and inspire you on your horticultural journey.