
William Mason 03-08-2023
William Mason




如果您的黄瓜发白,并不一定要惊慌失措地把它们全部扔掉。 不过,您可能需要采取一些措施,让您的植物恢复健康。

让我们来看看黄瓜为什么会变白,以及您需要做些什么。 如果您遇到的问题是黄瓜叶子变白,请阅读以下内容: 为什么我的黄瓜叶子变黄了 以及如何解决这些问题。


在担心黄瓜为什么会发白之前,请务必检查一下您种植的黄瓜品种。 有些黄瓜(如 White Wonder)本来就是白色的!


有些,比如这些美味的 白色神奇黄瓜 其他黄瓜的颜色可能比商店里买的黄瓜浅得多,甚至呈黄色。



如果您的调查证实您的黄瓜是 应该是绿色的 那么,是时候进一步研究这个问题了!



  • 真菌病 - 通常是白粉病或棉状泄漏。
  • 焯烫 日照不足造成的
  • 过度潮湿 浇水过多


See_also: 番茄成熟需要多少阳光?


白粉病是黄瓜变白而不是变绿的原因之一。 白粉病看起来像撒了一层面粉,会在整个果实和叶片上蔓延。

白粉病会让黄瓜看起来像被 "啃 "过一样。 撒面粉 这种真菌病会在整个果实上蔓延,也可能在叶片上出现。

如果黄瓜上长了白粉病,通常是以下因素共同作用的结果 湿度高,空气不流通 .


的解决方案 1 汤匙小苏打稀释在一加仑水中 应每周两次喷洒在所有黄瓜植株上。

See_also: 为您最好的犬类朋友起 205+ 个华吉士农场狗名!



  • 确保有尽可能多的 气流 尽可能在植物周围多放一些。
  • 您可能需要 一些较弱的植物,以腾出空间。
  • 早上喝水 让土壤在白天变干。
  • 避免泼水 叶片和果实上。
  • A 滴灌系统 是降低种植区湿度的一项值得投资的项目。


腐霉菌(Pythium Fruit Rot),又称 "菌核病",是一种影响黄瓜生长的真菌病害。 患有菌核病的黄瓜会出现柔软、白色的真菌块,有时像棉花一样。 这种病害可以用化学杀菌剂治疗,但也可以通过降低湿度和改善空气流通来减轻影响。

还有一种真菌病害也会使黄瓜变白,这种病害被称作 "Pythium Fruit Rot",也叫 "Cottony Leak"。

患有这种真菌病的植物会结出带有 柔软的白色菌块,有时像一束棉花 .

果实腐烂病只能用化学杀菌剂来治疗,不过您可以通过以下方法来减少该问题的影响 改善气流 降低湿度 .


如果你的白黄瓜问题是由于水分过多造成的,这并不是什么大问题。 浇水过多意味着你的黄瓜植株无法从土壤中获得足够的磷,导致它们变成淡绿色或白色。

首先要做的是 减少浇水量和浇水次数 许多植物在高温下会在白天枯萎,但如果它们在凉爽的傍晚重新焕发生机,则可能不需要浇水。

接下来,给黄瓜喂食,并用 高磷肥 一种非常快速的制作方法是将香蕉皮浸泡在水中,制成香蕉皮茶!


棚架有助于黄瓜获得尽可能多的光照,从而减少因黄瓜褪色而出现的白瓜数量。 黄瓜褪色简单地说就是黄瓜在生长过程中没有获得足够的光照。 棚架还有助于预防真菌疾病,因为它能改善果实周围的空气流通。

如果您的黄瓜因以下原因而焯水 光线不足 那么你需要做的就是让阳光照进来!



不要食用因白粉病而发白的黄瓜或棉花状漏水的黄瓜 - 它们的味道不好,甚至可能有害!




William Mason

Jeremy Cruz is a passionate horticulturist and dedicated home gardener, known for his expertise in all things related to home gardening and horticulture. With years of experience and a deep love for nature, Jeremy has honed his skills and knowledge in plant care, cultivation techniques, and environmentally-friendly gardening practices.Having grown up surrounded by lush green landscapes, Jeremy developed an early fascination for the wonders of flora and fauna. This curiosity propelled him to pursue a Bachelor's degree in Horticulture from the renowned Mason University, where he had the privilege of being mentored by the esteemed William Mason – a legendary figure in the field of horticulture.Under the guidance of William Mason, Jeremy acquired an in-depth understanding of the intricate art and science of horticulture. Learning from the maestro himself, Jeremy imbibed the principles of sustainable gardening, organic practices, and innovative techniques that have become the cornerstone of his approach to home gardening.Jeremy's passion for sharing his knowledge and helping others inspired him to create the blog Home Gardening Horticulture. Through this platform, he aims to empower and educate aspiring and experienced home gardeners, providing them with valuable insights, tips, and step-by-step guides to create and maintain their own green oases.From practical advice onplant selection and care to addressing common gardening challenges and recommending the latest tools and technologies, Jeremy's blog covers a wide range of topics designed to cater to the needs of garden enthusiasts of all levels. His writing style is engaging, informative, and filled with an infectious energy that motivates readers to embark on their gardening journeys with confidence and enthusiasm.Beyond his blogging pursuits, Jeremy actively participates in community gardening initiatives and local gardening clubs, where he shares his expertise and fosters a sense of camaraderie among fellow gardeners. His commitment to sustainable gardening practices and environmental conservation extends beyond his personal endeavors, as he actively promotes eco-friendly techniques that contribute to a healthier planet.With Jeremy Cruz's deep-rooted understanding of horticulture and his unwavering passion for home gardening, he continues to inspire and empower people worldwide, making the beauty and benefits of gardening accessible to all. Whether you are a green thumb or just beginning to explore the joys of gardening, Jeremy's blog is sure to guide and inspire you on your horticultural journey.