7 款最佳发酵番茄食谱!自制 DIY

William Mason 12-10-2023
William Mason

自然发酵食品的保存方式让您吃得更健康。 您的肠道会感谢您食用发酵食品,因为它将获得大量健康的益生菌,这些益生菌是以您的消化道为家的活微生物。


发酵番茄 味美可口 可与煎牛排、意大利面或新鲜花园沙拉搭配食用!

此外,比起放在冰箱里可能发霉的西红柿,您难道不喜欢发酵的西红柿吗? 以下是几种 我们能找到的最佳发酵番茄食谱 让您的日常饮食体验更加丰富多彩。

我们最喜欢的 7 款发酵番茄食谱:






花园沙拉和烧烤!每当我吃烧烤牛排、汉堡或香肠时,我都喜欢吃发酵西红柿。 我喜欢腌辣椒和西红柿的冲撞味道与烤牛排的口感和热度混合在一起。


发酵番茄也是最好的沙拉配菜。 切碎的冰山生菜、意大利沙拉酱和发酵番茄搭配在一起非常棒。 我还喜欢用其他腌制蔬菜做沙拉,胡萝卜、花椰菜、辣椒、洋葱和胡椒都很受欢迎!


我更喜欢玻璃罐。 我认为玻璃罐最适合保存西红柿,原因如下(多种原因)。 玻璃罐足够结实,几乎可以装下你想要的各种发酵西红柿。 我有一个球形梅森罐,可以装下 6 杯!(这可是一大堆西红柿)。



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玻璃罐在减少化学物质渗漏方面也有很好的口碑,而且我研究过的大多数玻璃罐都是 100% 不含双酚 A 的。






我一直在研究发酵的历史,它似乎可以追溯到几百年前!我从洛克菲勒大学找到了另一篇关于发酵食品历史的文章。 他们的研究表明,食品的发酵可以追溯到 几千年 .

一些历史学家认为,早期文明可能并不完全了解发酵科学。 然而,洛克菲勒大学的这篇文章引用了发酵乳制品、黄瓜腌制和肉类保存的清晰样本,其历史可以追溯到数千年前。


不难理解为什么 对保质食品的需求 如此受欢迎,甚至可以追溯到几千年前。

历史上自给自足的问题之一是当时没有那么多的市场或杂货店。 换句话说,你可能会在冬天缺粮!

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因此,聪明的农民和宅院往往需要 自恃 聪明之举,发酵科学!

发酵是 在寒冷的冬季保存蔬菜 - 根据我们的研究,它在这里已经存在了数千年。





William Mason

Jeremy Cruz is a passionate horticulturist and dedicated home gardener, known for his expertise in all things related to home gardening and horticulture. With years of experience and a deep love for nature, Jeremy has honed his skills and knowledge in plant care, cultivation techniques, and environmentally-friendly gardening practices.Having grown up surrounded by lush green landscapes, Jeremy developed an early fascination for the wonders of flora and fauna. This curiosity propelled him to pursue a Bachelor's degree in Horticulture from the renowned Mason University, where he had the privilege of being mentored by the esteemed William Mason – a legendary figure in the field of horticulture.Under the guidance of William Mason, Jeremy acquired an in-depth understanding of the intricate art and science of horticulture. Learning from the maestro himself, Jeremy imbibed the principles of sustainable gardening, organic practices, and innovative techniques that have become the cornerstone of his approach to home gardening.Jeremy's passion for sharing his knowledge and helping others inspired him to create the blog Home Gardening Horticulture. Through this platform, he aims to empower and educate aspiring and experienced home gardeners, providing them with valuable insights, tips, and step-by-step guides to create and maintain their own green oases.From practical advice onplant selection and care to addressing common gardening challenges and recommending the latest tools and technologies, Jeremy's blog covers a wide range of topics designed to cater to the needs of garden enthusiasts of all levels. His writing style is engaging, informative, and filled with an infectious energy that motivates readers to embark on their gardening journeys with confidence and enthusiasm.Beyond his blogging pursuits, Jeremy actively participates in community gardening initiatives and local gardening clubs, where he shares his expertise and fosters a sense of camaraderie among fellow gardeners. His commitment to sustainable gardening practices and environmental conservation extends beyond his personal endeavors, as he actively promotes eco-friendly techniques that contribute to a healthier planet.With Jeremy Cruz's deep-rooted understanding of horticulture and his unwavering passion for home gardening, he continues to inspire and empower people worldwide, making the beauty and benefits of gardening accessible to all. Whether you are a green thumb or just beginning to explore the joys of gardening, Jeremy's blog is sure to guide and inspire you on your horticultural journey.